Gratitude Goals
Gratitude is all about being thankful for what you already have in your life. What are you grateful for? Think it’s hard to come up with a few things to be grateful for every day? In that case.. listen up! There are endless things, people, experiences, nature, etc to be grateful for. It just may take a while to realize what they are.
When life is not going your way, my first suggestion is to write a Gratitude List. This is an extremely simple and positive practice to add to your day. There are even apps for it! I like the Gratitude Journal app. You simply just add one or two things daily that you are thankful for. It is so SIMPLE! It keeps a record of every entry and gives you the opportunity to look back and see how your list builds up over time.
Very therapeutic and a good reminder when you are not feeling so great about life. I also like to write in a journal because I am old school like that!
Positive Vibes
Acknowledging your gratitude on a daily basis will change your attitude and overall health. Expressing gratitude generates a more optimistic mindset and we know for sure that being positive leads us down the healthier road. Being positive is definitely a perk because it will help you heal from physical and emotional trauma and attract good things in life.
Practicing gratitude is a habit that you will grow over time, and soon will become a way of life!
Knowing all of this, I admit that I still have times of feeling low and forgetting to be grateful for what I have in life. That’s ok because you just can’t be “happy” all the time! But this practice will help you get out of those lows in life and keep you going. Life is too short to be miserable. It helps to have a partner or other like-minded people to remind you of the good stuff!

Try This Simple Gratitude Exercise
- List 1 skill or personality trait you are proud of.
- Think about 1 experience you are grateful for having had in your life.
- Name 1 person you are thankful for.
Gratitude Challenge
Consciously practice daily gratitude for 30 days and notice what kind of difference it makes in your life and relationships.
Give THANKS with a grateful Heart 🙂
Remember Bing Crosby’s song… “I’ve got eyes to see with, Ears to hear with, Arms to hug with, Lips to kiss with, Someone to adore —How could anybody ask for more?”
Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at