The Heart of Wellness

Category: Emotional Health

My Sentimental Journey

Your journey in life will be filled with ups and downs. First, you should know that I am a big believer in EVERYTHING happens for a reason.  I am positive that most negative experiences somehow turn out for the best and something good comes out of it. For all of you, half glass full thinkers listen for a minute. Believe me, I honestly am one of you but have learned to see the positive. This is not easy by any means and takes a lot of practice and extra help! I still struggle with this daily. It comes with the territory of having an Anxiety disorder. But there is HOPE!

Years of chronic pain and illness led me to my purpose and passion in life.  I am a Jersey girl but have lived in Connecticut for 20 plus years. Leaving New Jersey was hard but I enjoyed going to college in Connecticut. After college, I  switched gears and moved to Connecticut which is about 90 minutes from where I grew up.  My path wasn’t clear coming out of college but I did know that I wanted to affect people positively.

My Journey

Soon after I graduated from college, I suffered from a low back injury and struggled with back problems for a long time. At one point, I had to take time off from work. The doctors and physical therapists couldn’t really help me and told me I had to live with the pain.  This was extremely frustrating and increased my anxiety and depression. Honestly, I think I had some sort of anxiety most of my life but having chronic pain definitely drew it out even more.  I was tired of not being able to participate in the activities I loved especially working out. After some time, I was stuck in an emotional eating pattern and started gaining weight.

The Turning Point

Feeling hopeless and discouraged with the traditional medical community, I needed to do something different.  So I ended up going to a chiropractor and for orthopedic massage and that was the turning point. It took a while but I began to feel better physically. The emotional toll took a little longer to recover from. During this time, I met a bunch of great people who helped me. I learned that our emotions and thoughts play a huge role in our health and wellness.

I still have occasional pain and suffer from anxiety but it does not rule my life anymore. Besides that, I have Fibromyalgia, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and also have battled with Lyme disease. It has not been an easy road but sticking to a healthy lifestyle helps a lot.  Also, I generally eat a healthy diet and work out regularly. I am a spiritual person and have a daily prayer and gratitude practice and say affirmations which help me combat negative thinking. Above all, I can relate to anyone who has chronic health issues. You are not alone and it will get better!

Getting Back on Track

Once I started to feel better, I decided it was time to give back and find my purpose. I was working in the Human Resources field for a while and it just wasn’t making me happy. So I went back to school at 32 years old and became a Licensed Massage Therapist. After some time, I left my HR job and began to work at a wellness center with chiropractors and physical therapists. This experience gave me excellent training along with the hundreds of hours of continuing education I have taken over the years.

Because I wanted to make an even bigger impact, I went back to school again and became a certified Whole Health Educatorâ„¢ and Wellness Coach. Listen, it’s not so easy after 40 to be in school but it is possible and I am so happy I did it.  It is NEVER too late to go after your dreams!!  It’s clear now that all of the negative things that have happened helped guide me to find my purpose in life. Once again… Everything happens for a reason!

My Private Journey

Spending time with family and friends is my favorite activity outside of work. I was single on and off throughout my 20’s and 30’s which had its own challenges. At the age of 40, I met the love of my life, his 2 amazing children, and an adorable german shorthaired pointer. Being a “bonus” mom has helped me realize the more important things in life and also has challenges at times as well. My family still lives in New Jersey and New York and I have a twin brother, 2 older sisters, 3 nieces, and a nephew who I adore. My family is a great support system.


Traveling and exploring new places are my favorite things to do.  The beach is my happy place! I love music and am a big country music fan among other genres. I love sports and am a New York Mets and Giants fan even when they are bad!  At the top of my bucket list is a trip to Italy and Sicily because I am Italian and enjoy learning about my heritage. I hope to blog about that one day! Photography is one of the hobbies that I hope to learn more about in the future. Part of my journey is my love of learning new things and attempting to become the best version of myself.

My Wellness Practice

I am the owner of a wellness practice called The Heart of Wellness and write a Lifestyle Blog that reflects my experiences and training as it relates to healthy aging, anxiety, chronic pain, and stress management. My coaching practice focuses on 5 Aspects of Whole Health including Physical, Emotional, Nutritional, Environmental and Spiritual.™©

For over 15 years, I have practiced Massage Therapy and I specialize in pain and stress management. My practice is located in a cozy town in southern Connecticut and I am blessed to take care of a group of very special people.

There is a lot more to my journey that I will share along the way.  Subscribe below to receive updates and posts directly to your inbox.  Until next time, keep your head up and be grateful for the little things.


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


Welcome to My Lifestyle Blog!

Welcome to my brand new Lifestyle Blog!  A new journey has begun. Will you join me? I am starting a blog about Lifestyle, Mental Health, Stress, and Chronic Pain.  Stay tuned for my first official blog post about who I am and what I do and my purpose in life. Everyone needs support and connection especially when you are going through tough times. Believe me, I have been there, and guess what… I survived! My goal is to reach a large audience and share my professional and personal experiences.

lifestyle blog

About My Lifestyle Blog

Firstly, I hope to shine some light on how to manage stress realistically. There are ways to live with chronic pain and stress without curling up in bed and avoiding life.  For example, I will draw from my education and training being a Massage Therapist and Wellness Coach. Also, you will hear about my own struggles with anxiety and pain.

The struggle is very real and not always easy and we can feel all alone at times. However, we are not meant to deal with life on our own. I am telling you today that you are not alone. Battling with health issues including anxiety and Fibromyalgia gives me an understanding of what it’s like to live with chronic illness. Between that knowledge and my experience in my career, I am able to relate.  I get it!

lifestyle blog

This blog will cover many different lifestyle topics. In addition, look forward to interviews with healthcare professionals and review of books, wellness products, services, and even some travel content.

Let’s move forward together with lots of humor, a splash of tough love, and just straight up down to earth coaching and encouragement. Join my self-care community and let’s get to know each other!


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

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