The Holiday season is here and I already notice a rise in anxiety levels with myself and others around me. I absolutely love Christmas and the joy and happiness that comes along with it. It is, however, difficult sometimes to stay present and joyful when you experience anxiety in any form. There are ways to enjoy the holidays without having too much anxiety.
Survival Strategies for the Holidays
Get Enough Sleep.
The amount of sleep you get affects your health and your weight. Research shows lack of sleep stimulates appetite and cravings for high fat, high carbohydrate foods (WebMD). When we’re tired we tend to make fewer healthy choices, and we reach for the quick-fix energy boost we need, often in the form of sugar-filled options and processed snacks. Furthermore, we also tend to skip the workout we had planned for the day when we’re tired.
Sleep can also affect your immune function, the aging process, memory, learning, and metabolism. Set a goal of what time you need to be in bed each night to get the 7-9 hours you need. Try it this week and see if you notice a difference in your energy levels and your eating habits.
Check out 15 Ways to Promote a Refreshing Night of Sleep.
Cook More Meals at Home.
This time of year you get invited to parties and events a lot more. When possible, try to cook as much as you can at home so you have a better chance of maintaining your weight and not gaining. Not only do you tend to eat healthier, but you can also save time, money, and calories. It’s easier to eat healthy when you’re the one selecting the ingredients and preparing the meals.
What one action step can you take this week to prepare more meals at home?
Practice Self Care to Reduce Stress.
Let’s face it, this time of year is stressful for many reasons. High-stress levels are not only harmful to your health, but it’s also harmful to your waistline as well. When you are constantly under stress, hormone levels, like cortisol and insulin are elevated. The elevation of these 2 hormones can sabotage your weight loss efforts and actually cause weight gain. We aren’t meant to be under constant stress and it takes its toll. If you are doing everything right as far as diet and exercise but you’re under stress every day, you’re not going to see or feel the results you want.
What are some ways you can reduce your stress levels?
Eat More Whole Foods.
Real food is unprocessed or minimally processed. If you’re not sure, ask yourself if the food is something you would find in nature. Real food comes packaged with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients our bodies need to thrive. These are the types of foods that give us energy instead of leaving us feeling hungry again a short time later.
What whole foods can you add to your diet this week? Some examples include Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes, Animal protein, and Seafood. Check out my post 6 Healthy Eating Tips.
Get in the Holiday Spirit!
Watch Holiday movies and TV Shows and listen to Christmas tunes. This always lifts my spirits and helps me to not stay in an anxious mood. Some of my favorites are Frosty, Rudolph, Elf, A Christmas Carol and It’s a Wonderful Life. Doing these things always makes me feel like a kid again too and that makes me happy!
Socialize. Plan to see your friends and family.
As an introvert, there are times I need to just be left alone but I also love being with family and friends too. If you need alone time schedule it. If you want to boost your mood, there’s nothing like being around supportive and loving people and engaging in a fun activity. Or even better visit someone who is lonely like the elderly or help out at a homeless shelter.
Shop Online.
If you really dislike going out to the stores like me, get your shopping done online. It’s quick and easy and saves you from dealing with the crazy crowds and bad mood that follows. Click here for my self-care gift guide. Treat yourself to something nice too. There’s nothing wrong with allowing yourself some gifts this time of year!

Helping Others Through the Holidays
Stay positive and remember to count your blessings and be grateful. There are so many people out there who suffer alone through the holidays. As always, helping someone in need is a quick way to get out of your own funk.
The best advice I heard about how to deal with people during this season was at church last week. The priest said we need to see God in everyone we encounter, even the difficult people! We never know what someone is going through so let’s give each other a break, be kind, and spread joy and smiles wherever you go. Merry Christmas and enjoy the Holidays with your loved ones 🙂
Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at