Do you rely just on your doctor’s opinions and recommendations or do you seek out alternative methods to assist in your healthcare decisions? Since you are reading this blog post, I assume that you are open to hearing other ways available to help in the healing process besides just prescriptions and doctor visits. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of wisdom you can get from seeing a doctor and many healing benefits in prescription medicine too. From my experience, I think it’s best to have a blend of both traditional and alternative methods to address your healthcare needs. Today, I am sharing different ways to participate in your own healing and healthcare as discussed in the NIWH course presented by Dr. Bernie Siegel. There is so much more to healing than just taking medicine. See if you can find these steps helpful in your own situation.
Action Steps Towards Healing
- Be a responsive participant
- Ask a lot of questions of your healthcare team
- Refuse being a victim
- Change your attitude or change the situation
- Develop good coping skills
- Have a good sense of humor
- Decide to be happy
- Connect to plants, animals and people

- Allow for intimate relationships
- Increase your oxytocin (happy hormone) with hugs
- Increase your immune function with laughter
- Express your anger appropriately
- Learn to say no
- Learn to nourish yourself on all levels
- Lose track of time- play!
- Speak up for yourself appropriately
- Remember life is a series of new beginnings
Siegel, B. Living With NIWH media course. Retrieved from
There are many ways that you can participate in your own health care and healing. It is important to clear up any negative thought patterns, be grateful every day for what you have and surround yourself with caring people and loving pets. Know that you have control of your lifestyle habits and have the ability to change them for the better.
Be proactive with your doctors and be informed of all possible treatments both from the medical and alternative care fields. Loving yourself and others is a weapon and will protect you from chronic disease. Don’t take yourself too seriously, laugh every day, and be young at heart. Expressing your feelings has a major impact on your health.
Holding anger or fear in your body will affect your immune system and prevent it from functioning at its best. Participate in social events and have a network of positive caring people in your life who support you. Eat a healthy diet the majority of the time. Do what makes you happy and live your own life without having to please others. Allow other people to love you for who you are. Engage in activities that make you feel young and do those things with people you respect, love