The next tip from my Stress Solution 6-week coaching program is to Detox your body. Have you ever done a cleanse? Well, I have and it’s not pretty. It may be a good way for some people to start their weight loss or healthy eating journey. I would never recommend something so extreme that you would not be able to sustain it.
There are plenty of benefits from cleansing for a short period of time. Some people do really well with a detox. However, I would gradually remove foods from your diet that are harmful and causing health issues. Moreover, elimination diets can be a great way for people with digestive issues. Doing this can pinpoint any allergies or sensitivities you may have.
Steps to Detox Your Body
Make time to consult with a healthcare professional who specializes in nutrition like a dietician or nutritionist. They are best qualified to guide you especially if you have health issues. Everyone is unique in their needs for nutrients and it is constantly changing so asking for help is sometimes necessary.
Be aware of what you read and hear from so-called “coaches” who are not really qualified. They may not give you the best quality of care. I finally broke down and sought out help for myself and it was one of the best decisions I ever made for my health!
Simply reevaluate your eating habits. You know your body better than anyone. You know what you need to reach your optimum levels of health and happiness. The question is — are you doing these things?
Detoxing your body includes more than the foods you choose. Breathing exercises, adequate rest, physical exercise, a sauna, dry brushing your skin, thinking positively, and drinking water are a few other ways to detox your body. Which of these sounds like just what you need?
Kitchen Clean-Up
Your First Step: To detox your body you have to start in the kitchen. Review the menu of the foods that are not serving you and your desire for better health.
For instance, write down some of your favorite healthy recipes and stock your fridge with what you need to enjoy them. When you make it harder to make a quick decision to indulge in something unhealthy, you will create a space that will allow you to reach your goals more efficiently.
In addition, jump online and find some new, healthy recipes that you want to try. I have lots of great recipes saved on my Pinterest and it is my go-to place for more ideas. Mix it up!
Take it slow and one step at a time and you will begin to benefit from the healthy changes you make!
Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at