Let’s face it, we all have anger towards one another at different times in life. Forgive and forget. Not so easy especially when you have been wronged. The Holiday season can bring up all sorts of past hurts and also be a source of pain for many who don’t have loving families and friends to share them with. Honestly, every family has issues at one time or another. Let’s talk about forgiveness. This is a tough one but we need to talk about it because it could have a significant impact on your health.
Do you find it hard to forgive someone who has hurt you? And what about forgiving yourself? I believe this is one of the most difficult actions to take. But guess what- forgiving is more for you than it is for the other person. As you can imagine, holding onto anger and resentment is detrimental to your health.
Remember that for every negative thought or emotion we have, our body experiences a physiological reaction as well. This constant stress will eventually lead to a disruption in health and show up in all sorts of ways.
It is so easy to say forgive and forget about it. Confession– I may be able to forgive after a while of stewing about something that upset me but I have not been so successful with forgetting. Who knows, maybe it has something to do with being Sicilian!
Forgiveness doesn’t equate to forgetting what has pained you, and it doesn’t even promise a change in the person who caused you that pain.
Choosing to forgive is crucial and becomes a place where healing begins.
Practice Compassion
True forgiveness takes time and commitment. Make a commitment to let go. It will take time and constant effort. Compassion must exist to practice forgiveness. What is a practical way you can find compassion for those who have wronged you?
Practicing forgiveness lessens anxiety and stress levels. We are responsible for our own happiness when we release the hold that others have on us through anger.

Let It Go
Learning to let go is not easy but it will free you from the pain residing inside of you that is weighing you down. Focus on the present and move on from what has hurt you because it is not helping your cause or your health.
Are there a few things you could let go of and move forward from?
Are there some things you are holding onto that you need to free yourself from?
Write a letter to yourself expressing all of your feelings that surround whatever you’re holding onto. I found journaling to be an extremely helpful tool in forgiveness and overcoming anger.
“Don’t hang with negative people. They will pull you down with them. Instead, invite them into your light and together you will both shine strong.”
– L.F. Young
Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at www.AtTheHeartofWellness.com.