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massage therapy

The Ultimate Guide to Massage Therapy- Pro Tips for Lasting Relief

Massage Recovery: How to Make the Effects Last Longer

Massage therapy is a powerful tool for reducing stress, relieving muscle tension, and enhancing overall well-being. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or recovery, a few key steps can help you maximize each session’s benefits.

With two decades of experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist, I’ve gained valuable insights into what enhances a massage experience and how to prolong its effects long after the session ends. Here’s your ultimate guide to making every massage more therapeutic and rejuvenating.

Before Your Massage: Prepare for the Best Experience

Hydrate – Drinking plenty of water before your massage helps hydrate your muscles and supports the body’s natural detox process. Hit the bathroom right before your session just in case!

Avoid Heavy Meals – A full stomach can make it uncomfortable to lie down and fully relax. Try eating a light meal at least an hour before your session.

Communicate Your Needs – Communicate with your massage therapist about any areas of tension, injuries, or pressure preferences to create a personalized experience. Inform them of any recent health changes or new medications. If you’re experiencing pain, let them know so they can adjust your positioning for maximum comfort. Don’t hesitate to request extra support, such as pillows or towels, and ask for a blanket or additional heat on the table to suit your comfort level.

Discuss Music Preference – Share your music preferences with your massage therapist to enhance your relaxation and set the perfect mood for your session.


Stay Present: Maximizing Relaxation During Your Session

🌀  Take Deep Breaths – Deep, slow breathing helps calm your nervous system and allows your body to absorb the benefits of the massage.

🌀 Speak up if Needed – If you experience discomfort, let your therapist know so they can adjust the pressure to your preference. Don’t hesitate to speak up if you’d like more or less pressure—this is your healing experience, and it should be customized to your needs. Skilled therapists understand that silence is often preferred during a session unless the client initiates a conversation. If you’d like a quiet session, simply let them know. In my experience, a quiet environment allows the therapist to better tune in to your body’s needs and provide the most effective treatment.

🌀 Stay Present – Feel free to vent any stressors before you get on the table so you can unwind.  Turn your phone off.  Focus and let go of distractions to fully enjoy the experience.

Post-Massage Care: How to Make the Benefits Last

🌀 Give Feedback – Tell the Massage Therapist what you liked or didn’t like about the session and how they can help you better next time. We want to hear about how you feel even if it is not good.

💧 Drink More Water – Massage helps release toxins, so staying hydrated can assist in flushing them out of your system.

💆 Stretch Gently – Light stretching can help extend the benefits of your massage by keeping your muscles loose and flexible. Foam rolling is a great way to keep you mobile.

🛌 Rest and Recover – Avoid intense activities immediately after your session. Give your body time to absorb the healing effects.

🌿 Take a Warm Bath – A warm bath with Epsom salts can further relax your muscles and reduce soreness.

🌀 Maintain Good Posture – Poor posture can quickly undo the benefits of your massage. Be mindful of how you sit and stand, keeping your shoulders relaxed and your spine aligned to prevent tension from returning.

🌀 Use Heat or Cold Therapy – If you experience any post-massage soreness, apply heat (such as a heating pad) to relax muscles or ice to reduce inflammation, depending on what feels best for your body.

🌀 Use a Pain Relief Cream – My go-to for quick and natural pain relief is 24/7 Relief & Recovery.

🌀 Practice Deep Breathing and Mindfulness- Stress can cause muscles to tighten again, so incorporating deep breathing and mindfulness into your daily routine can help you stay relaxed between sessions.

🌀 Fuel Your Body with Nutritious Foods-  A balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy greens, berries, and healthy fats, can support muscle recovery and reduce tension between massages.

A Holistic Approach: Adding Massage to Your Self-Care Routine

For best results, consider incorporating massage therapy into your regular self-care routine. Whether it’s once a month or more frequently, consistent sessions can help manage stress, improve circulation, and maintain muscle health. One massage can offer temporary relief, but regular sessions can provide long-term benefits. Establishing a consistent routine can help support muscle health and reduce stress.

Here are my recommendations for an optimal wellness plan:

** Once per week for an acute injury

** Every 2 to 3 weeks for a chronic injury

** Every 4 to 6 weeks for wellness and stress management

25 Reasons to Get a Massage | AMTA

Relieve stress · Relieve postoperative pain · Reduce anxiety · Manage low-back pain · Help fibromyalgia pain · Reduce muscle tension · Enhance exercise performance …

Final Thoughts

Check in with your massage therapist about any current specials or package deals to save on your sessions. We want you to visit regularly to maximize the benefits of massage. Even a 30- or 45-minute session can be highly effective, so don’t hesitate to choose what fits your schedule or budget.

By following these simple steps, you can enhance the therapeutic effects of each massage and leave feeling refreshed, restored, and rejuvenated. Small lifestyle changes can significantly prolong the benefits of massage therapy, helping you maintain a sense of relaxation and well-being long after you leave the table.

We truly appreciate when you share your positive experience with friends and family—it’s the best way to help grow and sustain our practice. Take great care of yourself, and remember, this is one of the most valuable self-care practices you truly deserve!

Find a Massage Therapist Near Me | AMTA to find a local LMT in your area.

Why I Love Massage Therapy

Did you know that massage therapy is a great solution for stress and pain relief? Discover the many proven benefits of massage therapy.



Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

back pain relief

Relief & Recover: 20 Helpful Strategies for Back Pain Relief

This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost. All opinions are my own.

My Journey with Back Pain

If there’s one thing I know about, it’s how to relieve back pain. In my twenties, I suffered from intense low back pain due to various traumas I endured. It was a long journey before I discovered something that helped me recover. After visiting multiple doctors, I was told I needed to live with the pain because they couldn’t help me. This was incredibly depressing and frustrating.

The doctors told me I was simply depressed and that the pain would be alleviated with a combination of medications. I stopped exercising and going out, unable to enjoy life. At one point, I had to take a leave of absence because it was too painful to sit all day at my desk when I worked in Human Resources.

Chronic pain had taken over my life, making me so sad that I was missing out on living a fun and active life. It took about eight years before I started to find real relief.

Finding Some Back Pain Relief

Living with chronic pain took a toll on my relationships and my job. After trying various therapies, and medications, and seeing numerous doctors, I became desperate for answers. One day, my grandmother suggested I visit a chiropractor. I didn’t know anything about this type of treatment, so I was hesitant at first. I had just moved to Connecticut, and the chiropractor she recommended was in New Jersey.

Determined to find relief, I packed a bag and headed to NJ to see this chiropractor. During my first visit, he took specific X-rays of my lower back and pelvis and discovered that my pelvis was severely rotated, causing intense muscle spasms. Within a couple of weeks of getting adjustments, I started to feel better. I was thrilled to finally find some relief.

After returning to Connecticut, I continued my care with a local chiropractor. Little did I know how much my life would change. There were ups and downs, but this was a turning point in my recovery from back pain.

While visiting the new chiropractor, I was introduced to a Massage Therapist who helped me tremendously. This was my introduction to bodywork, and it made such an impact that a couple of years later, I decided to attend massage therapy school to help others dealing with pain.

Although it was a difficult time, I discovered many blessings along the way and am grateful to have come out on the other side. Through my struggles with back pain, I found my passion in life!

20 Ways to Recover From Back Pain

As a Licensed Massage Therapist with nearly two decades of experience, I have used my knowledge to help alleviate both my pain and that of hundreds of clients. Here are my recommendations that have proven effective over the years.

1. Ice and Heat Packs

In the first 24 to 48 hours after an injury, using an ice pack is recommended. After that period, switch to heat. I prefer gel heat packs over dry heating pads. For more chronic issues, it can be beneficial to alternate between ice and heat.

2. Support Your Back in a Comfortable Position

When sleeping, place a pillow under your knees if you are lying on your back and between your knees if you are lying on your side. Additionally, using pillows while sitting can help relieve pressure on your pelvis and spine.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Medication or Pain Relief Supplement

Taking medications can be helpful in the short term to get you through tough periods. For long-term use, I suggest opting for more natural supplements. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant, and turmeric is great for reducing inflammation. Always check with your doctor to see what would work best for you.

4. Topical Pain Relief

24/7 Relief & Recovery is my go-to pain relief cream, and it’s the best I’ve ever used both personally and professionally. Applying this cream a few times each day reduces inflammation and provides quick, natural pain relief. My clients love it, and I use it daily!

5. Epsom Salt Bath

There’s nothing better than soaking in a hot bath with soothing Epsom salts to relax your muscles.

6. Dry Needling. “Dry needling is a treatment that healthcare providers use for pain and movement issues associated with myofascial trigger points. With this technique, a provider inserts thin needles into or near your trigger points. The needles stimulate your muscles, which causes them to contract or twitch. This helps relieve pain and improve your range of motion.”

7. Move Around and Don’t Stay in 1 Position


8. Gentle Stretching or Foam Rolling

9. Deep Breathing Exercises

10. Take a Break from Intense Exercise and Try Going for a Walk. See this post!

11. Visit a Doctor

Look for an orthopedic or pain management doctor. Naturopaths and Functional Medicine practitioners are also very helpful for reducing inflammation in your body.

12. See a Physical Therapist

13. Find a Massage Therapist – specializing in orthopedic, medical, or myofascial therapy. Find one near you!

14. Visit a Chiropractor

15. Discover Acupuncture for pain relief


16. Distract Your Brain

Meditation is proven to relax the nervous system which in turn will reduce your response to pain. In addition, listening to soothing music and sounds also helps to distract your thoughts. Here’s one to try!

17. Work on a Positive Mindset & Lifestyle

It is not easy to stay positive while in pain. However, having positive thoughts will help in battling chronic pain. Check out this journal!  The Serenity Roadmap: Self-Care Journal.

18. Seek out a Supportive Community

Finding like-minded people who understand struggling with pain is helpful. It is always nice to talk with people who know what you are going through and get it. Join us in the Simple Self-Care & Stress Solutions Facebook group and belong to a caring and welcoming community!

19. Say Healthy Affirmations & Prayers

Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Philippians 4:8 “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

20. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Stay away from processed and sugary foods and drinks. These cause inflammation and will limit your ability to heal. Eating whole healthy foods will help in the healing process. Check out these Healthy Eating Tips.

Back Pain Relief Options

There are plenty of options when it comes to relieving back pain. In my experience, it is best to try more than one treatment to find the most relief.  However, trying one thing at a time to see what works and what doesn’t is smart.  If you continue to have no relief it is best to be checked out by a healthcare professional. There are options to get x-rays and other imaging tests to confirm if there is something more serious going on.

Take care of yourself and find what works for you. Don’t give up and don’t let anyone tell you that you just have to live with pain. There is an answer for you out there! Be an advocate for yourself.


Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

Your Journey to Joy: Discovering the Road to True Happiness

A journey to joy and happiness isn’t always easy. Discovering the road to happiness takes practice and consistency. Do you see the glass as half-full or half-empty? I sometimes lean towards negativity and expect the worst. This might be due to anxiety, or perhaps it stems from childhood or the many health issues I’ve faced over the years. It can wear you down.

However, I’ve learned that I have some control over my thoughts and how I manage my reactions and emotions. This realization has given me a more positive outlook, but it’s not always easy. It takes a village! Surrounding myself with supportive people and looking up to positive role models has been incredibly helpful. My biggest positive influence is my relationship with Jesus, my go-to comfort source.

Life can be tough. It’s necessary to take extra steps to manage stress. Remember, you’re not alone—I feel it too.

Journey to Joy

I believe receiving encouragement is crucial, especially when you’re feeling low or facing challenges. The emotional aspect of health revolves around our thoughts and feelings. A specific part of our brain processes all the information, conscious and unconscious, and communicates it to the rest of our body. This is the essence of the powerful mind-body connection!

Let me ask you this… What would your life be like if you could overcome negative thoughts and embrace a more positive outlook? What possibilities would open up for you?


The Road to Happiness

I’ve observed that individuals dealing with significant stress, chronic pain, or illness often struggle with anxious and negative thoughts. They can feel stuck, and hopeless, and find it difficult to maintain a positive outlook. I believe we all experience these feelings from time to time. As you know, my passion and purpose are to help those who are suffering or in pain. Wanting to do more and share my experience and knowledge,  I created a self-care journal called The Serenity Roadmap, which is now available on Amazon.


What is Covered in The Serenity Roadmap:

This Self-Care Journal serves as a supportive tool for your wellness journey, empowering you to cultivate a positive lifestyle while effectively managing stress and anxiety.

  • Practical Self-Care Tips for all ages
  • 10 Mindset Strategies
  • Over 40 Action Steps
  • Discovery Journals
  • Inspirational Quotes
  • Motivational Images
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Self-Care Planners & Checklists

Invest in Your Happiness & Joy

Having a plan to fall back on when things get crazy and out of control is essential. I developed this journal specifically for sensitive and introverted individuals who may not have naturally stress-hardy personalities and could benefit from nurturing guidance. I always feel my best when I adhere to these guidelines for maintaining a positive mindset.

Nowadays, many more people are experiencing anxiety and are bombarded with negative messages. That’s why a little extra assistance is needed!

Transforming your mindset is challenging, especially when dealing with a chronic illness or pain. It requires consistent practice and effort, but I believe everyone has the potential within them. Sometimes, we need a helping hand and a little push! Try to do at least one thing each day that helps you escape the daily grind. Invest in your mental health and remember that you deserve to live a life free from negativity, stress, and pain.

✅️ Self-Care Gifts

✅️ My Etsy store

✅️ Gift Certificates & Packages


Be Well,

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at


Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

Managing Chronic Illness Through Movement: 10 Gentle Practices

Sticky post

Being active when you have a chronic illness is not always easy.  How do you manage your movement levels during a flare-up of pain or intense fatigue? Like many, there are days when you might not have the energy to exercise or move much at all. However, it’s essential not to spend the entire day inactive. From my training and experience, I’ve learned that lying around all day without any activity isn’t beneficial.

For those with chronic fatigue or Fibromyalgia, exercise might seem daunting as it can lead to flare-ups. While this is true, selecting the right type of gentle activity can help you avoid exacerbating your symptoms.

On days when we feel better, we’re often eager to be more active because we’re grateful for the extra energy. I hope you experience those days and appreciate them—they’re crucial for getting through!

Movement Without Suffering

Occasionally, on the good days, I still attempt HIIT workouts, which are high-intensity interval training sessions. However, I usually end up regretting it. When you have chronic pain, an autoimmune disorder, or any other condition, it’s crucial to choose your activities wisely.

There are numerous ways to stay active without experiencing post-workout soreness and fatigue, also known as exercise intolerance. It’s frustrating, but there is hope! Remaining inactive and immobile isn’t beneficial for your body or mind. Your body requires movement for circulation and to prevent your muscles and joints from becoming stiff, immobile, and inflexible.

physical activity, active

You’re the expert on your body and its limits. Yet, there are moments when a gentle push might be necessary. However, never feel guilty or pressured into doing something that could potentially harm you. Always consult your doctor first to determine what’s best for you. Remember, your needs may evolve over time and as you age. Having a chronic illness doesn’t imply that you can’t engage in any physical activity at all.

Explore gentler activities to enjoy the benefits of exercise and the boost in those feel-good hormones. This hormonal surge is crucial for coping with the daily challenges of a chronic illness. Start slowly, and I assure you, your mental health will improve with just a few minutes of daily movement. Additionally, you’ll likely experience increased energy and better sleep. Find new ways to stay active that don’t leave you feeling too fatigued or in pain.

10 Gentle Ways to Stay Active

1. Warmup Routines

If you’re not up for a full workout or if you’re experiencing discomfort, consider completing a simple warm-up activity to get your blood flowing. Every bit of movement counts! Nowadays, many people are exercising at home, and one excellent resource is YouTube. With thousands of options available, simply search for what you’re interested in, and a suitable video will appear. Consider subscribing to the channels you enjoy for easy access in the future.

Fitness Blender has a variety of warm-ups as well as other awesome workouts.

Rosalie Brown also has a good variety of gentle workouts for those days you just can’t handle more.


2. Walking

As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, I adore walking workouts. They’re gentle on the body and can be done conveniently at home or, even better, outdoors. The walking routines I engage in at home aren’t just about stationary walking; they incorporate various movements to keep things interesting. This allows me to navigate around my living room, and burn some calories, all without feeling fatigued.

My favorites that I stick to are Jessica Smith, Leslie Sansone, and Fabulous 50s.  A new favorite I recently found is Up to the Beat Fitness.  This trainer includes a variety of workouts besides walking and has some fun easy-to-do dance routines as well.  All of these trainers are very positive and always offer empowering messages during the workout.

3. Pilates

You’ll find plenty of free Pilates workouts online, but starting with beginner videos is best as Pilates can become challenging. This activity is excellent for strengthening and stabilizing muscles, enhancing mobility, and improving posture. Get prepared to elongate and tone your muscles with an invigorating mat workout. Here are some good options:

The Mindful Movement

Trifecta Pilates


4. Swimming

Since we got a pool, I’ve become completely obsessed with my pool workouts. Exercising in the water is fantastic because you feel weightless, which is gentle on your joints. Physical therapists often recommend Aqua therapy for injury rehabilitation, and it’s highly effective for relieving pain. Below, I’ve listed a couple of options with trainers who specialize in gentle workouts designed specifically for the pool.

FIIT with Stacey 

The Water Exercise Coach 


5. Stretching

If you’re unable to engage in other activities, prioritize a consistent stretching routine. Aim for 2 to 3 sessions per day, or even just once in the morning and once in the evening. Your body longs for flexibility, and stretching not only prevents injuries but also aids in the healing process. Additionally, stretching has mood-boosting benefits—something we could all use!

There is a variety of stretching routines that can be found online and even On Demand on your TV. I tend to look for videos with practitioners like physical therapists because they are trained and will offer sound advice.  Here’s who I like:

Ask Dr. Jo


6. Yoga

Certain forms of yoga can be incredibly nurturing and soothing for the body. Opting for a gentle yoga practice can be restorative and a highly beneficial aspect of your self-care regimen. The advantages include a more peaceful mind, enhanced flexibility, improved breathing, and a notable reduction in stress. These benefits make it a compelling activity for individuals with chronic pain.  Find a variety of workouts on YouTube as well as the many options online or pick up a DVD. Here are a couple I enjoy that have helped me.

Psyche Truth 

Yoga Burn 

yoga, balance

7. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle, ancient Chinese exercise renowned for its slow, graceful movements. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, which aids in the healing process. Often referred to as “meditation in motion,” Tai Chi incorporates mindfulness practices that are known to reduce pain and anxiety. It’s an excellent option for a low-impact activity that involves deliberate, unhurried movements and focused breathing. Here are a couple of options to try:


David Dorian-Ross 

8. Biking

Riding a stationary or outdoor bike is a simple way to incorporate gentle, low-impact activity into your routine. Biking is joint-friendly yet provides a thorough workout, enhancing muscle tone and strengthening your legs. I prefer the recumbent bike with back support, as it feels more stable for my body.

If you’re considering purchasing a bike for your home but aren’t a gym member, it’s wise to research which type best suits your needs. Websites like Consumer Reports and fitness blogs can offer valuable insights into the latest trends. Here are a recommendations I’ve come across:

Stamina Fitness Benefits of Biking

Stationary Bike Benefits


9. Balance & Stability

Maintaining balance becomes particularly crucial with certain chronic conditions, as the risk of balance loss increases. Balance exercises are essential for individuals of all ages, providing a sense of control over one’s body. Beyond seeking physical therapy, there are resources available to enhance balance and stability, ultimately enabling you to remain active for longer. Here are a couple of options I discovered:

The MS Society 

Jenny McClendon 

10. Chair Workouts

Even if you’re unable to stand, you can still exercise from a chair. There’s always a way to engage in some form of activity! Search for chair workouts to explore the options available. Here are a few chair workouts that I particularly enjoy:

Has Fit 

Vive Health 

Depending on the day and your energy levels, there is an activity for you so you can participate in a self-care routine without feeling overwhelmed. Here is one more I recently found.  Gentle Workout for Chronic Fatigue.

Once you’ve received approval from your doctor, I encourage you to consider incorporating one or more activities into your daily routine. Amidst the challenges of battling chronic pain and fatigue, finding hope is crucial. Over time, even small amounts of activity can significantly enhance your quality of life and rejuvenate your mindset. Stay positive and cherish each day!

Feel free to explore my Shop page for recommendations on self-care products that you can use at home. Maintaining your physical self-care routine and staying in shape can be incredibly beneficial in managing chronic pain.


Be Well!

Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


15 Ways to Revitalize Your Sleep Routine

This page may contain affiliate links, meaning I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost. All opinions are my own. Please click my Amazon links to find everything you need for yourself and your family!


Quality of sleep affects our health. It impacts our physical and emotional health in both positive and negative ways. This time of year we tend to need more sleep. If you have a chronic illness or pain you need more rest to help heal your body. There are many natural ways to help. And if those don’t work, take a look at your lifestyle habits. You may be contributing to the disruption of sleep without even realizing it.

In addition, nutrition affects sleep cycles and brain waves. The biggest influencer is insulin levels. Eating too many carbs will raise insulin levels and then affect sleep.  Not enough rest will lead to an increase in adrenal hormones, affecting our immune system, digestion, brain function, reproduction, and other systems. It is all connected!

Exercise is the best method because it increases positive neurotransmitters that help the nervous system calm down and increase the chances of more restful slumber.  The environment affects how well we rest. Light, noise, seasonal changes, and other disruptions will affect the quality of nighttime routines.

Set Your Intentions

If you’re having trouble sleeping, you’re certainly not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from sleep deprivation!

First, set the intention of when you want to be in bed.  Stick to the same times during the week and on the weekend.  For example, if you want 8 hours of sleep and you need to wake up at 6:00, plan to be ready for sleep by 10:00.  This means you’ll want to start getting ready for bed by 9:30.

Note: If the following simple solutions don’t work for you, check with your doctor to see if they can find the root cause.  A functional medicine practitioner or naturopathic doctor may be able to find a good natural solution for you.

15 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

1.  Eliminate/reduce alcohol (these increase urination & cause restless sleep)

2. Don’t have caffeine within a few hours before bedtime

2. Turn off electronic devices 1 hour before bed

4. Finish eating a few hours before bedtime

5. Drink a calming tea like Chamomile in the evening

self-care, gift, sleep, therabox

This Therabox has all the necessities for a good night’s sleep!

6. Sleep in a dark room or wear eye covers

7. Set your bedroom at a cooler comfortable temperature

8. Exercise in the morning or early afternoon

9. Take a soothing hot bath at night

10. Listen to soft music or a guided sleep meditation to help wind down

11. Practice relaxing breathing techniques to calm down your nervous system instantly


sound machine, sleep

Sound machines are awesome tools to help you fall asleep!

12. Use a fan, sleep app, or sound machine for white noise

13. Relax with a good book before bed

14. Try Yoga or Tai Chi or stretching at night to de-stress

15. Write down a list of things you want to get done the next day. Get it out of your brain!


There are many studies out there proving the necessity of a good night’s slumber. Here are a couple of research studies about the science of sleep.

Science Daily Sleep Research News

Sleep Research on Mental Health

Revitalize Your Evening Sleep Ritual

Enhancing your overall well-being and embracing a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve your sleep patterns. Making simple healthy changes influences sleep quality and our body’s ability to rejuvenate.

Be patient with yourself as you implement these changes. It may take a few weeks before you notice improvements. Remember not to give up too soon; your body needs time to adapt. As the season invites us to cozy up, it’s an excellent opportunity to focus on refining your bedtime routine. Here’s to discovering more natural remedies for addressing sleep concerns!

Check out my Shop page for products I recommended to help with sticking to a consistent self-care routine at home!



Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach. She has a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only. It is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

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