The Heart of Wellness

Category: Stress Management Page 14 of 16

Why I Love Massage Therapy

What is your experience with massage therapy?  What would life be like if you could just stop for a little while and let yourself relax?  Do you find yourself looking for other ways to unwind and reduce pain without relying on drugs?

Massage Therapy is a Lifesaver

It is important to take time for yourself so that you can be healthy enough to cope with stress and handle the everyday challenges of life.  There are so many ways to deal with stress and pain but today I will talk about one of my favorites…Massage Therapy.  My life changed when I started going for massages. It really did! I was suffering from a back injury for a while in my late twenties. I was at the end of my rope with the medical community not being able to help me. 

During my visits with a chiropractor,  I was encouraged to go for massage therapy to help reduce the pain and increase my mobility.  Feeling horrible most of the time, I also needed something to boost my mood and calm down my nerves. So this is when I started my journey with massage therapy and I would soon start to feel better both physically and emotionally.

Although the pain lasted a while, I can say that going for regular massages helped me tremendously. Besides putting me on the road to recovery, it helped me find my purpose and inspired me to look into massage therapy school. Here I am 15 years later and I absolutely love my job and enjoy having a successful business based on my purpose in life- helping others with stress and pain live life to the fullest.

I could go on and on about how great massage therapy is. I want to share my top reasons why I still go to this day and why I truly believe massage therapy is a must-have in everyone’s wellness plan.

massage therapy

The Amazing Benefits

  • Reduces Feelings of Anxiety & Eases Depression
  • Helps with chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain and headaches
  • Increases overall mobility and flexibility
  • Improves quality of Sleep and restores vitality
  • Relieves joint pain and tense muscles

There are many other benefits of massage so I am sure you can find at least one reason to go!  It is best to consult with your doctor first since there are some conditions that could be affected by massage.  To find a qualified Massage Therapist in your area, visit the American Massage Therapy Association website at And if you are in my neck of the woods which is in between New Haven and Hartford, CT, please feel free to call or book an appointment online at The Heart of Wellness in Rocky Hill. I would love to help with your journey! A good schedule to consider is every 4 weeks for wellness visits and every week or two if you have an injury or chronic condition.

massage therapy

Forget about the stress for an hour and go unwind on a cozy massage table. Believe will help you reset and deal with whatever is coming next.  Don’t wait until you have pain or are feeling overwhelmed. Get ahead of it so you can handle stress better. 

Sticking to a regular wellness plan not only helps you avoid those nasty illnesses but also prevents injuries. And the best thing is… it helps curb the overwhelming stress we all feel every day in the life. Take care of yourself so you can enjoy life 🙂


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

The Different Types of Stress

Everyone feels stress at various times in life. We all have different ways to cope with stressful situations. Have you ever thought about how it affects your health?  There are significant changes that happen in our bodies when we feel anxious and have chronic stress.

What is STRESS?

Simply defined, it is an organism’s total response to environmental demands or pressures. During my studies at The National Institute of Whole Health, I learned a lot about how our minds and bodies respond to stressful situations.

I also learned about the General Adaptation Syndrome developed by Dr. Hans Selye, otherwise known as the “father” of stress research. Dr. Selye described it as a nonspecific response to any pressure or demand. In addition, stress is an event that causes change or demands readjustment.

Two Types of Stress

Good, happy, positive stress is known as Eustress. Examples would be falling in love, spending time with friends, and going on vacation. Distress is the type people are more aware of. This is the negative, anxiety-producing stress. For instance, examples would be illness, divorce, death of a loved one, work, or relationship problems.

We are usually more aware of how good and bad stress affects us emotionally and physically. We may feel a pit in our stomach when we are nervous or feel sadness when a relationship ends.

Moreover, poor nutrition is chemical stress and can be detrimental to our digestion, which can lead to other health issues. Physical stress can be an injury or trauma. Environmental stress is the pollutants we inhale outside or excessive noise or light. Spiritual stress can be a change in religious beliefs or questioning our value system.

The Fight or Flight Response

Our ancestors experienced the fight or flight response intensely while just trying to hunt and gather food for their survival.  They constantly had to be aware of predators around them and were probably always in harm’s way. This response has not changed in our bodies over the years. We need this response to survive.

Acute stress is immediate and temporary. Our bodies and minds experience this type of stress only for a short period of time. We experience the physical symptoms of increased heart rate, blood flow to our extremities, and increased metabolism. We become prepared to fight off whatever danger is perceived. After the danger has passed, our bodily functions will return to normal.

Another type is having chronic stress. This is when we continue to perceive danger. Sometimes even imagining danger will activate the fight or flight response. This includes worry, anxiety, depression, and chronic health issues.  When the body remains in a state of arousal and panic it is difficult to return to normal functioning.

Our bodies become exhausted and this can lead to a breakdown in organ function, digestion, and decreased immune system function. This is what eventually can lead to disease and degenerative health conditions.

Some Ways to Reduce Anxiety


Diet free of processed foods

Deep breathing


chronic stress and sleep




Surround yourself with positive and happy people

Consistent Self-Care

Having a few self-care practices and hobbies is essential in managing stress.  It has a profound influence over our lives and affects every aspect of health, but unlike other factors, we can exert a large deal of choice over how we handle tension.

In conclusion, choose wisely and find a few healthy ways to manage anxiety before it takes control of your life and your health!

Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

connect in relationships

4 Easy Ways to Connect in Your Relationships

Relationships are one of the joys of life. The Holiday season is upon us and that means lots of family time, parties, and events.  Do you like spending time alone or do you enjoy being surrounded by a lot of people? Introverts LOVE time alone to renew their energy and unwind. Although I am an introvert, I also love being around family and friends as well as my clients because that gives me joy. It feels great to give love and to help others feel joy.

Connecting With Others

We are not meant to be alone in this world. We all need connection and support from others.  Life is better when you have someone to share it with whether it is a loved one, friend, or pet. Pets are amazing companions and give unconditional love! Giving and accepting love is one of the most beautiful gifts in life. Part of living a healthy life includes fostering loving relationships and being present with your loved ones.

family relationships

Family at Christmas

In this busy world, personal connections are slowly dying off thanks to electronics. The difference between a conversation and connecting hinges on deeply and truly understanding what the other person means when they speak. What are they really expressing? Show interest, and dig deeper with them. The values the speaker holds is evident in the words they choose to share with you, and practicing this will help you truly connect and build a meaningful relationship!

Staying focused, living on purpose, and practicing the following tips can help keep your relationships connected and develop some new, healthy ones, too!

friend relationships

College Besties

4 Ways to Maintain Loving Relationships

• Lessen distractions while you’re engaged in conversation.

• Try not to actively think about what you’d like to say next while the other person is talking — clear your mind and listen. (This takes practice!)

• Be genuine and show authenticity.

• Truly listen to what others mean when they speak. What they offer to you in conversation shows what they value — learn what they value! You can connect wonderfully this way.

loving relationships

Carmine & Jill at the NY Air Show

How To Develop Better Relationships

Think about the following questions.

What are the 3 ways I can better connect with people?

How can I connect with someone regarding something they value when I do not hold the same value?

How will learn to connect better with others better me as an individual?

Go out and make a connection today with someone. Smile at a stranger and say hello. You never know how you change someone’s life by just taking an interest. Be present.  It is good for your health and will boost those happy hormones 🙂

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – WINSTON CHURCHILL


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

Don’t Stop Believing

What Do you Believe In?

We all believe in something. Have you ever pondered these 3 questions?

  1. “Why am I here?”
  2. “What is the meaning of my life?”
  3. Where do I go when I die?”

In this day and age, there is so much fear and sadness in the world.  There seems to be a lack of morals and values. However, there are plenty of positive influences out there.  We need a purpose and something to believe in to feel safe and secure.  In addition, how we relate to the world typically develops in childhood and usually follows us into adulthood. Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and opinions.

What I Believe

My beliefs are rooted in the Christian faith as I am a practicing Catholic.  Feeling connected to something bigger than ourselves is helpful in surviving in this world. I don’t know where I would be without my faith.  Therefore, I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is always a purpose even in the worst of times.

Helping others in need is what drives me and is what I believe God calls all of us to do.  For instance, my job as a massage therapist helps me fulfill my passion for helping others.  What do you believe in?

The Spiritual Aspect of Health

Finding your purpose is not so easy but if you have faith and hope it is very likely you will find it eventually. In most religions throughout the world, there is a similar philosophy. It is the Golden Rule which is ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’

The fifth aspect of health is the Spiritual component.  This consists of our belief systems and relationships with others as well as to nature. The spiritual aspect has a great impact on our overall health. In other words, the relationships we have can either hurt or help us. We are not meant to be alone in life. Therefore, we need to connect with others for support. Similarly, we need to give and accept love as well.

Square of Common Good

The best way I can explain this is by sharing what I learned in one of my courses at the National Institute of Whole Health. My instructor, Dr. Donadio, explained the SQUARE OF THE COMMON GOOD which consists of Respect, Integrity, Compassion, and Justice.

“We accept others, and respect who they are.  Acknowledge that they have value and that they matter.  We all want to feel heard, feel seen, and be understood.  Showing respect for ourselves, and others will give us a sense of belonging and feeling safe.  

Integrity shows trust in ourselves, and that we can be trusted.  It defines us as a constant; our constant is respect and compassion.  We feel safe in ourselves, and in others.  Often, we mirror what is shown and what is given.

Giving respect, integrity, and compassion in our relationships, will transform us, and those around us.  We feel a sense of justice in the world, and in our relationships.  It is a sense of justice in who we are, what we do, and how we feel with others; it is justice in being understood; we belong, and we feel safe.  We practice we ultimately have a sense of peace,  and wholeness develop.  In other words, we matter and have meaning.   

It is universal to want to be valued.  Respect gives acceptance.  When we feel valued,  validated, seen, heard, and understood, we feel a sense of belonging, and safety.  


(Source:  Donadio, G., “Physics & Philosophy Part II” [DVD]. National Institute of Whole Health Lecture, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts. 2011)

Which Road Will You Travel?

In conclusion, the 5 Aspects of Whole Health™ – Physical, Emotional, Nutritional, Environmental, and Spiritual are very essential in determining the state of your health. Everything is affected by everything! Isn’t it fascinating! I will continue to refer to these aspects in my posts and how they contribute to health and disease.

Balancing these aspects will help accomplish the healthiest version of yourself.  Above all, you have a lot of control over your health.  In addition, the choices you make determine which road you will travel.

I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving. Think about all of the people and things that you are grateful for and contemplate what you believe in.  Share your beliefs and let me know how you are connecting with your community.  Be good to one other 🙂

Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

reduce anxiety at home

2 Simple Ways to Reduce Anxiety at Home

Home. What does that mean to you? For me, home is my sanctuary and a place I can relax with my loved ones, be myself, and best of all catch up on my rest.  For some people, home is not so welcoming or loving and sometimes is the last place they want to be.  Home should be a safe and comfortable oasis to unwind and renew our energy.

Your Home Environment

The fourth aspect of health that I talked about in my last post is the Environmental component. Again, there are many ways to interpret this aspect. We talked a little about the external environment as far as weather and other factors that can affect our health. Today, I would like to talk about our home environment.

Do you dream of going home, putting your pajamas on, and snuggling up with a cozy blanket to watch a movie or maybe your favorite Netflix show? I have to admit I am somewhat of a homebody and sometimes need an extra push to go out because, after all, I am an Introvert. That being said, I cherish time with my friends and family and I love experiencing new things and traveling to different places.

As I get older, I find myself wanting more and more to just come home to relax. There’s nothing wrong with needing some time alone to recover from the stress of the day. Even if it is just a few stolen moments in the bathroom before you have to cook for your family and take care of everyone else! 😉

Your Home’s Role in Your Health

What makes a home so comfortable that you can’t wait to get there? Is it that you can just unwind and be yourself and not worry about having to be “on” for others? Why is it so important to feel safe, secure, comfortable, and happy in our homes?  Our home environment plays a huge role in health and disease. Think about it… we spend a lot of time at home so it is hopefully a place with less stress. If it isn’t, then the stress you feel at home will eventually add up and possibly harm your health unless you can manage it well. Let’s talk about a couple of simple ways you can make your home a little less stressful.

2 Ways to Feel Great About Your Home

There are so many ways we can foster a healthy home environment.  I don’t know about you but cleanliness and organization are my top 2.

Having a Clean Home

For me, having an organized and clean space to live in makes me feel good and a lot less anxious. Cleaning is one of my top ways to deal with anxiety. If you are focused on some other activity it will give your brain a break from the anxious thoughts. It is different for everyone what exactly makes a healthy home environment.  Cleaning is tiring but can be very therapeutic.


I can tell you this…if you are living in a cluttered and unclean home you are adding unnecessary stress to your life and it will eventually affect you. Do me a favor and watch an episode of Hoarders. It is so sad how some people live but it does give you some idea of how living in a dirty and cluttered home can affect your health and relationships.

Being Organized at Home

Having some organization at home is my second way to deal with stress.  I love looking through websites for ideas on creative ways to organize. Two of my favorites are Real Simple and HGTV. Check out their article- 20 Habits of People with Really Clean Houses. Both websites have some really interesting and simple ideas for organization.

Organizing doesn’t have to be expensive. You can stay on a budget by picking up items at the dollar store or Walmart. Pick up some baskets and those cool bins to organize stuff in your closet or pantry.  It’s best to start with one project at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself!  Ask for help from a friend or look into hiring a professional organizer if you really are into it.

clean home

Just know that when you are done it feels so great and I guarantee you will think about other areas in your house to move onto next! The winter is the perfect season to take a look around your house and identify what may need a little organizing and clean up.  Make those snow days a little productive after some time on the couch with a good book or TV show.

Today is a great day to start 🙂


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

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