The Heart of Wellness

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mayv app

My Review of the Mayv Chronic Pain Management App

The following is a review of the Mayv app and chronic pain management program. I received a complimentary bottle of a CBD supplement in exchange for my opinion on this program. All opinions are my own.

Introduction to Mayv

Over the years, I have researched lots of self-care apps to assist in my wellness journey.  As a Self-Care Blogger, I am offered opportunities to cover a variety of wellness products and services. I was intrigued by Mayv as soon as I heard about it. It seemed they were taking a different approach to reaching people suffering from chronic health issues. As a person with Fibromyalgia, I am always looking for the next best tool to help in my own battles with chronic pain. Therefore, I knew I had to learn more about this chronic pain management program.

A few months ago, I spoke to the Mayv founder and his staff about what they were trying to accomplish. Their passion for helping others was undeniable and I was drawn to the program that they have developed. Their mission is to reach people who suffer from chronic illness and offer a comprehensive program to help navigate the diagnosis and health journey.

I agreed to use the app for a couple of months and then write a review on it.  Turns out that I really enjoyed using this app and was curious about their chronic pain management educational program.  It is very much in line with my philosophy on how essential it is to treat the whole body and not just the symptoms.

Below are some details about the Mayv app. After that, I will tell you why I like it and would recommend using it.

welcome to mayv app

What is the Mayv App?

The Mayv app is a unique tool that offers a guided educational program to learn about how to deal with chronic pain and illness. First, this app is unlike any other app I have used.  Second, this free app is user-friendly and provides science-based information.

The Mayv Program app features a collection of evidence-based courses and tools designed to show you how to manage chronic pain naturally through the power of mindfulness.

Set up a profile to start learning about this groundbreaking wellness app. Setting aside just a few minutes each day will be enough to get the most out of this immersive experience.

Digital pain management tools, on-demand on your phone.

Inside the Mayv App

Each day you will find a new lesson. It is interactive and will prompt you to move to the next section. Do it at your own pace. The Mayv app has several levels and milestones that you unlock as you move through the program.

Mindfulness practices – Mindful Eating, Yoga, Meditations, Breathing practices

mindful practices

A library of helpful and short audio and video clips is available to enhance the learning and relaxation experience.

Visit the Immersive visuals section to choose from soothing visual videos including beautiful scenery and landscapes as well as adorable animals. For example, pick from the selection of calming sounds including tranquil forest, soothing waves, waterfalls plus more.

Visit the binaural beats section to calm any anxiety or if you are in need of distracting yourself from pain.  The beats have an effect on alpha, theta, and delta brain waves. These brain waves assist in the pain response. They are associated with fostering a positive mindset.  Therefore, it has similar benefits as meditation which has been proven to be beneficial in providing pain and stress relief.

Listen to binaural beats with headphones or earbuds to get the most benefit.

The breathing section offers 2 relaxing ways of practicing breathing. It seems so simple but knowing how to breathe correctly will calm down your nervous system and will assist in your response to pain and stress.

binaural beats

Why I Like This App

After using this app for a couple of months, I found that it helped me start off my day with a positive mindset. For as much as I know about wellness, it was still a supportive tool that helps me learn more about myself and how I can do better with my health journey. It is always good to have an open mind and be aware of new things that can help with self-care. This app is a great tool for beginners who have not been exposed to self-care practices like meditation and breathing techniques.

The information is presented in an easy-to-learn format that will keep your interest and leave you wanting to learn more. The Mayv team consists of highly qualified and knowledgeable healthcare professionals who care about your healing process. In addition, they also offer  CBD-based products for pain management.

Find a few minutes to start your day with this app. It is tremendously helpful for awareness and to set the tone of your day even if you don’t suffer from pain at the moment.  After all, the best patient is one who plays an active part in their own healing.

Check out the Mayv app today in the Apple and Google Play stores on your phone! Visit the Mayv website for additional information on products, workshops, and articles written by healthcare practitioners.

Lastly, find them on social media on InstagramTwitterFacebookPinterest, and LinkedIn.

mayv chronic pain app


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


How I Live With Fibromyalgia

May is Fibromyalgia Awareness Month. So what better time to share what my experience has been with this mysterious health condition. It seems everyone with this condition has similar health issues but the severity of them varies greatly. The following is my brief history with Fibromyalgia and how I live with it.

My Journey

It took a while to be diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Sometimes, I still don’t even believe I have it. However, it does explain a lot of the symptoms I have experienced over the last 20 years or so.  I have had lots of little irritating health issues throughout my life. It started with a low back injury, then Irritable Bowel Syndrome in my twenties.

In addition, I suffered from Depression for a bit and to this day experience Anxiety.  I have been on different medications over the years for all of the above. To be honest,  I never found much relief from traditional medicine. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but just never seems to work for me.  I do prefer to rely on lifestyle habits and healthy living as an alternative.

A few years back, I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever shortly after. After several rounds of harsh antibiotics, I started to feel somewhat better. However, I still felt the achiness in my muscles and joints as well as fatigue and gut problems. I wondered why I never felt totally healthy and why I was so tender in different spots of my body. So I continued to go about my life and just dealt with the aches, pains, and weird sensations. I saw a couple of different Naturopaths and Nutritionists who helped me tremendously.

The Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

After a stint of really not feeling great again, I decided it was time to get tested again for Lyme Disease and other auto-immune conditions. Nothing came back on the bloodwork results. I was relieved but then I was like — why don’t I feel good? Why do I still feel so horrible? I needed more answers.

My Rheumatologist suggested that it may be Fibromyalgia. I had heard of it before but never understood what it was. I don’t think a lot of people really understand– even the medical community. We discussed how all of my previous symptoms could be related and this would be a catch-all discovery. At the time I was so desperate for answers I allowed my doctor to put me on a prescription to see if it helped decrease any of the issues. She gave me 2 options to choose from – Lyrica or Cymbalta. I knew that I did not want to go on Lyrica right off the bat.

Cymbalta was the option I chose for the antidepressant effects and for pain relief.  After 2 months of taking this medicine, I did not like how I felt. Besides gaining 15 pounds, it did not help me to feel any better and made me feel a little strange. After that, I decided to wean off of that medication and work on lifestyle choices.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Per the Mayo Clinic: Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain and spinal cord process painful and nonpainful signals.

Symptoms may include:

  • Pain: constant dull body pain that lasts for more than 3 months
  • Sleep problems
  • Cognitive difficulty: it is usually referred to as fibro fog; difficulties in focusing or paying attention
  • Fatigue: people with this condition often feel tired and weak, sleep for longer periods, and wakes up with pain

Other co-existing symptoms may include:

  • Insomnia or waking up feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep
  • Stiffness upon waking or after staying in one position for too long
  • Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and constipation alternating with diarrhea (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Tension or migraine headaches
  • Jaw and facial tenderness
  • Sensitivity to one or more of the following: odors, noise, bright lights, medications, certain foods, and cold
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Numbness or tingling in the face, arms, hands, legs, or feet
  • Increase in urinary urgency or frequency (irritable bladder)
  • Reduced tolerance for exercise and muscle pain after exercise

Credit: fibromyalgia symptoms – Bing

Lifestyle Changes to Help Battle Fibromyalgia

It is very true when you hear that nutrition is very powerful in treating health conditions. When I stick to low sugar, low carb, and moderate protein diet without a lot of processed foods, I feel a whole lot better. Staying away from alcohol has helped me as well. When you have a lot of inflammation in your body these changes are necessary to feel a difference. Otherwise, you are really just hurting your chances of healing and optimal health.

Let me be clear, I do believe that prescription medications are helpful for people and are not totally against them. Some people rely on these life-saving medicines in order to function and live a normal life. I am blessed to not have to be one of those people.

Exercise is also very helpful in this battle. However, I have to be careful in how much I work out and need to adjust the intensity because I do suffer from exercise intolerance. This is when you cannot recover from physical activity as a healthy person does. Lots of fatigue ensues as well as soreness that does not go away.  Therefore, I have found a good balance between strength and cardio routines.

Here’s an article I wrote 10 Gentle Ways to Stay Active with Chronic Illness that provides some gentle options.

gentle activities for chronic illness

Stress Management is another must when you struggle with a chronic illness. Stress impacts every single part of our body. If you don’t have a good plan to lower your stress you are going to feel worse. Learning about self-care goes a long way in helping to deal with illness.

Areas I Focus On

There are so many other lifestyle remedies for chronic pain. I do occasionally take Advil for pain which is not good for long-term use. I take a multivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Fish oil, Zinc, Ashwagandha, some CBD, and charcoal. I have had really good luck with Pure Encapsulations supplements.

My nutrition needs to be buttoned up and I do my best to stay away from gluten. My workouts always depend on how I feel. My goal is to do 3 to 4 days of strength training and cardio or walking the other days. I rest when I need to and don’t push myself too much. Staying active in any way helps me avoid stiffness and I need it for my mental health!

Other areas I focus on to feel my best:

  • Consistent nights of quality sleep
  • Positive Mindset – laughing every day is important to me!
  • Spiritual connection – daily prayer and devotionals lift my spirit
  • Community connection including loving friends and family
  • Guided Meditation (very powerful for pain relief!)
  • Healing my gut with natural supplements- L-Glutamine has helped a lot
  • Consistent self-care activities – massages, journaling, music

pain relief

Search for Answers

I have suffered from every single one of the above symptoms at one time or another. However, I am able to deal because of those lifestyle changes I have made for the most part. There continues to be more research on the reality of this health condition. My hope is to continue to find ways to get better or even just stay where I am at and not suffer from any progression of this disorder.

Keep searching for answers in the medical and alternative care community if you are experiencing symptoms that don’t make sense and don’t fit into the typical medical diagnosis. Ask a lot of questions.

Find a community that understands you.  There are lots of Facebook groups but be mindful of the ones you join. There are some that have made me feel more anxious and weary.  Either way, find what works for you. You are worth it and deserve to live somewhat of a “normal” life!

For more articles on how to deal with chronic pain and illness visit my Resource Library here!

self-care and stress solutions


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: This information is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

keys to health

5 Key Pieces to Health & Disease

How to Achieve Health and Avoid Disease

The abundance of information about how to achieve health and avoid disease can be quite confusing. In our society, the healthcare trend is to treat illness when it happens instead of preventing it in the first place. In my opinion, we need to change this outdated perspective. Let’s put more focus on prevention and create an abundance of healthy habits.

As a certified Whole Health Educator™, I strive to make things simple to understand and share information from a whole-person perspective. In coaching school, I learned about the “Big Picture of Health® and disease” from the perspective of the following 5 Aspects of Whole Health: Physical, Emotional, Nutritional, Environmental, and Spiritual™©.

Therefore, once you have an understanding of these essential parts of health, it can be life-changing.

live well

The lifestyle choices you make have a huge impact on the outcome of your health.  Take the time to discern what type of prevention measures work for you. Make informed healthcare decisions.  Let this information empower you to make better choices and help you take back control over your mind and body.

Realistically, we certainly cannot change everything that happens within our bodies. However, it is smart to prepare yourself with the tools to make a difference for the better. Make sense? Allow me to shed some light on the pieces of the health and disease puzzle.

The goal is to achieve health first instead of dealing with illness and disease later.

The 5 Pieces of the Health Puzzle

#1 – The Physical Piece

The physical component of our health is complex and not totally understood. This aspect consists of the brain, spinal cord, bodily systems, organs, muscles, bones, hormones, and neurotransmitters. All these pieces work tirelessly to help us function every minute of the day. They are all interdependent and need each other to work properly.

The central nervous system integrates our brain and spinal cord and controls every function in the body. In other words, if one part is not working correctly it will affect the rest of the body as well. Therefore, taking care of your physical body is necessary!

#2 – The Emotional/Mental Piece

Thoughts and emotions affect the physical body and are part of the Limbic system.  This system analyzes all information taken in including conscious and subconscious thoughts.

For every thought we have and each emotion we feel, there is a physiological response within our body.

These internal and external messages are sent to the rest of the body via hormones and other chemical messengers. These neurotransmitters tell the body what to do. This concept explains the mind/body connection. This piece of the puzzle is quite fascinating and immensely powerful when you comprehend how your mindset affects your health.



#3 – The Nutritional Piece

This one is simple. Ever hear the phrase – you are what you eat? In other words, everything we consume has a direct effect on our health and may contribute to disease. This includes food, drinks, and other chemicals like over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and illegal drugs.

Be mindful when it comes to your nutrition and what you decide to ingest.

# 4- The Environmental Piece

This piece of the puzzle consists of our internal and external environment. The effects of smoke, noise, chemicals, exercise, weather, water, air pollution all have an impact on our health.

The other factor to consider is your home and work dynamics. Think about your home and work environment. Is it unorganized, stressful, negative, demanding? Any type of prolonged stress will affect the state of your health if left untreated and ignored.

Our internal environment is not set in stone and can be altered. Making healthier choices can diminish the chances of disease. Just because there is a disease in your family does not 100% mean you will have to struggle too.

#5 – The Spiritual Piece

Often overlooked, the spiritual aspect of health is extremely powerful in both the prevention and the healing process. This piece consists of an individual’s relationship with self, nature, and others. Our values and belief systems do have an impact on our health as well. What is your philosophy of life? A popular philosophy among many religions is the Golden Rule – treat others as you would want to be treated.

Feeling connected to a greater purpose, community and higher power goes a long way in life and gives a sense of belonging, comfort, security, and safety. Self-love is also very influential in terms of maintaining health and facilitates a greater sense of harmony.

The Influence of Stress on Our Health

Stress has the most profound influence on health. Stressors like lack of sleep, trauma, negative emotions, inadequate nutrition, surgery, lack of exercise, and chronic pain all contribute to the downfall of your health.

We have a choice in how we react to stress.

Short-term stress is easier to recover from. However, if you are stuck in that fight or flight response it will eventually break your body down. The result is fatigue, irritability, and disruption in sleep.  This long-term stress also decreases the function of your bodily systems like digestion, reproduction, and immune and will lower your resistance to disease.

What You Can Do About Your Health

The takeaway is that EVERYTHING is connected! So, if one part of your body or mind is suffering, you can be sure something else is being affected.  This can be a disaster if allowed to become out of control. Therefore, self-care and stress management is essential and needs to be part of everyone’s wellness plan.

Be an active participant. You have some control over what happens to you.  Above all, take care of yourself because you deserve to live a long life filled with health and happiness!


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

self-care apps

30 Helpful Self-Care Apps To Explore

Why you Need Self-Care Apps

Creating and sticking to a realistic self-care plan can be overwhelming and time-consuming. However, these days as busy women, it is necessary to take care of ourselves so we can be at our best for our families. Fill your cup first! We need the strength and energy to raise kids, work, and complete the thousands of other tasks that keep us and our families happy and thriving.

Over the years, I have built a library of self-care apps on my phone that I count on to keep my mind and body healthy and strong. If you have a smartphone, there are plenty of apps that focus on self-care and health. There are a variety of options so you have to try some out to find what works best for you. 

30 Self-Care Apps To Explore

Below are some apps on my Android phone that I use frequently. There may be different links for Apple phones but they are usually fairly similar so just do a quick search in your app store. Hope these ideas help you stay sane and cope with the pressures of motherhood and daily life!

Guided Meditations & Soothing Music for Sleep


Spiritual Guidance & Inspiring Messages



Positive Mindset & Gratitude Practice




Stay Organized & Track Habits

Meal Planning & Recipes

meal planning

Fun Brain Games

Some of my Brain Games!

Build Your Self-Care App Library

Whatever helps you stay on track with living your best life is worth looking into. Schedule some time for yourself and research self-care apps that would benefit you.  Ask around and find out what your friends are using and what works for them too.  Check out the app store on your phone and spend some time exploring it! 


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

How to Set Realistic Self-Care Intentions- Part 3

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own.

What Are Your Intentions?

Have you put some thought into what your intentions are? This is the time of year that many give up on their goals and resolutions.  It is easy to fall back into old habits. The trick is to remind yourself daily what your intentions and goals are. Writing them down in a journal or planner is the first step in making progress. You will find that reading them over once daily is very beneficial and will help you remember your why!

The First 20 Days of Intentions

Here are the links to the first 20 intentions in case you missed these posts!

How to Set Realistic Self-Care Intentions – Part 1

How To Set Realistic Self-Care Intentions – Part 2

self-care gift guide

The Final 10 Self-Care Intentions

Day 21:  Responsibility – Do you wait for others to solve your problems? What prevents you from taking responsibility?

Day 22:  Body Image – How do you feel about your relationship with your body? Do you celebrate its beauty and look after your health?

Day 23:  Support – Do you feel supported by family and friends? Do you show equal respect to those who support you?

Day 24:  Trust – How much do you trust yourself? Do you listen and trust yourself over others?

Day 25:  Reactions – How do you react when challenged? What can you do to react more calmly?

self-care and stress solutions

Day 26:  Beliefs – What limiting beliefs about yourself are holding you back? What positive beliefs in yourself can counterbalance this?

Day 27:  Inner Critic – What does your inner critic tell you about yourself? How does this stop you from moving forward?

Day 28:  Inspired – What makes you feel motivated and inspired? How can you place yourself in daily contact with this more often?

Day 29:  Dreams – What is your biggest dream? Are you taking steps to achieve it?

Day 30:  Change – If you could change one thing about your life now what would it be? What steps can you take to make this change?

Credit: Gratitude Glass Jars.

My Personal Intentions For This Year

After reviewing the past 30 days of intentions, there were certain ones that really stuck out to me and made me reflect on my behaviors and habits. I decided to highlight these and really make an effort to make some lasting changes.

  • Remember my accomplishments and be proud of the positive things I have done in life so far.
  • Express myself more and react in a positive way and get out of my comfort zone.
  • Be consistent with healthy eating and daily exercise.
  • Work on a positive mindset and body image.
  • Say positive affirmations daily OUTLOUD!
  • Remember what my dreams are and not give up on them… like traveling around the world!
  • Continue to follow inspirational and spiritual leaders to help reduce anxiety and fear.

lifestyle blog self-care intentions

Your Next Steps

If you haven’t done this already, grab a journal and write out your answers to all 30 days of intentions. Then review it once daily to remember what you want to change about your life. Choose a few things to work on at a time.

Keep reminding yourself that things will get better in time. This will take effort.  You deserve to be the best version of yourself and live a happy and fulfilling life! Here’s to making small changes each day that will improve your mindset and help you realize your purpose and passions in life.


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!

self care gifts

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

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